That lovely little glass cabinet back there behind my couch (been wanting it from Target forever)...the instructions say "simple, and quick to assemble". Ha! And, I'm good with furniture assembly. Oh, well. It made good use of my sick kiddos' extensive nap time. Now, I just need to fill it up. And, once I pick up one of these, my entryway will be done.
And, I finally finished up with my dining room:
Painting, curtain hanging, and decorating...DONE. Well, the decorating is almost done. The walls are a little lacking in the prettiful department. And, I'm thinking that little wine rack on the wall is looking awfully empty. ;0) I might need to buy it some friends next week. And, that candlescape thingy in the middle of the table...L.O.V.E. I found it at Pier 1 the other day. I was actually hoping to find a wire bird cage to put candles in, and use as a centerpiece. But, the branches on this thing are cool enough. I'm thinking of buying some of those chipboard birds from Maya Road, altering them, and wiring some on the metal branches. I'll take pictures if I do. I think they would make cute accents to the bird curtains (yep, those are multi-colored birds and cute little wire cages on the curtains...very 1950's-ish). I got those from Urban Outfitters a couple of months ago, but they don't carry them anymore. :0( They're much cuter in person. I guess I should have taken a close-up of the actually print on the curtains. Oh, well.
Crafty-wise, I haven't accomplished much. I still need to put the finishing touches on my daily cards (need to go buy a new office date stamp), and then I'll post them. But, since I signed up for the "Birthday Girl RAK List" over at PI, I was under a little pressure to get something churned out. I wanted to make something handmade for all of the birthday girls, but the first girlie's big day came just a little too soon after my return home, and smack-dab in the middle of my unpacking. So, I bought her a little something instead, and made her this card:
To give credit where credit is due, this design is not completely my own. Although, I can't remember where I saw the original card (in a magazine probably...or online?), I am fairly certain it was by Jennifer Pebbles. And, who doesn't love her work?!? So fabulously inspiring! Of course, my card uses totally different colors, and has a few of my own touces (LOTS of glitter and bling because, well, because it's me, and I love SPARKLY things). I don't usually "lift" from other artists. But, her card was one of the most beautiful I had seen in some time...I couldn't resist!
And, sweet Nicki...she didn't think it was fair that I had to wait so long to get my surprises on my birthday RAK day (Dec 26th). Plus, she wanted to send me a little belated 30th birthday giftie. So, I got her lovely little package today...all the way from Australia!
Thank you, Nic! You totally made my day! Gotta' love some happy mail...especially when your kids are STILL sick, and your sanity is hanging on by a thread. I have a sneaking suspicion that another trip to the doctor is in the cards for tomorrow. Both kids still aren't feeling well. Luka barely wants to eat or drink a bottle, and they both just want to sleep ALL DAY. Better to be safe than sorry...I think I'll be calling my army health clinic tomorrow for some appointments. Ugh. But, I will also be back tomorrow with some exciting news (nothing scrappy related, though), and a fun little surprise. ;0)
i LOVE LOVE LOVE your house!
gorgeous work holly!!
i have some big plans for tax return $. :)
Oh my your house is wonderful! Can we trade?!?! LOL! My house looks like doodoo with 4 kids I dont even bother having nice things. Im sorry your kids are sooooo sick! Poor lil ones! I hope they get better soon. Love your card!
Thanks for the home tour :) We're in the same horrid drought here in Georgia. But we got heaps of rain this morning. that color in the dining room...yum =) Can't wait to hear your news...=) And I think Vancouver should share some of it's rain with you...cuz it's the first day in a week that the sun has come out for us here....!!
Your house looks great! And that Pier 1 thingy is way too cool. Show us more pics when you have a little sunshine!!
Hope the kiddos are feeling better soon, too.
Can't wait for your big news...don't keep us hanging too long!!
I <3 your house!! Its so chic/fab/fun. Its soo funny you said that about the wine rack b/c I enlarged the pic of your dining room for a better look before I read the rest of the blog & had the same thought. =0)~
ohhhhhhhh I love your dining room. The color and the decorations...everything goes together so well! Nice job. :)
Holly your dining room rocks! Love your new cabinet too. Hope you are all feeling better and settling back in to life at home!
Your house looks amazing! How pretty! Those curtains rock!
guess what i'm doing? a lil rain dance just for you! =0)
oh are amazing!! both of those rooms does the projects. Love it all. I will be back over for inspiration. i already know:) thanks for the kind words missy.
kim b
your house looks amazing!! You are such a good decorator!! i know who im going to for inspiration once i move! ;) im sorry your kids are still sick :( I really hope they get better soon. you are amazing though! I can't believe you're getting all this stuff done with two sick kids, wow! Oh, and about the movies... sorry you haven't been to the movies in such a long time! Without a paddle... wasn't that in the movies 4 years ago?? Poor holly!! Wish you lived close so I could take you to the movies, lol. Well, I hope your kids get better, and i cant wait to hear your news!!
wow your house is amazing. wanna come help me do something with mine??? sorry the kids are sick. hope they get to feeling better soon!
wow!! Love your home! Wanna come over & help with mine now? LOL.
!!!!!!! Your house is SOOO cute <3
You are amazing!!
You're house looks beautiful! SO designer. :)
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