Anyone still out there? I am. And, I'm back. Well, sort of. We'll be taking this slowly, but surely. I realized that crafting/scrapbooking is my release. It's hard to let it go. Why should I care what anybody else thinks of my work? I shouldn't. For those of you that find inspiration here, I'm glad. I will definitely be back with some more. For those of you that don't, just move along...there's nothing to see here. I also realized that I have made some great online friends through blogging over the last several months. I am really blessed to have this little circle where we can all share our creativity. And, I'm thankful for you all, and all of your support. I finally got up, got out of my funk, and got busy with some Valentine stuff. I'll be sharing that later.
Even though it has only been a couple of weeks, things are starting to get better with my daughter. Daycare and cheerleading are starting soon. Yay! A break for mom. A MUCH needed break for mom. While I was sitting in the doctor's office with Hazel the other day, the doctor (rather brashly) says, "Honestly, I don't understand why you women can't just ask for help." At the time, I took great offense to that comment. After all, I am "Super Mom"! Right, right? WRONG!!!
A couple of days later, I found myself in the ER thinking I was having a heart attack...pains in the left arm, crushing chest pain...the works. Thank, God, it was just a severe anxiety attack. But, I I was sitting in the waiting room WITH my 2 kids, I looked around at all of the other sick mothers who had dragged their kids along for the ride too. Probably for the same reason I did. Because I refuse to ask for help! And, because I don't know that many people here. And, the people that I DO know...well, I feel bad asking them for help. Most of the time, the "help" is accompanied by a major helping of guilt-trip. But, none of those kids, mine included, had any business being in that ER with their sick mothers. Not only because they could get sick with all of the yuckiness floating around there, and (for once) the mother should really be concerned with herself...not worrying about screaming, needy children. And, MOST OF ALL scary is that for a child to see their parent in that much pain, and being that scared? The ONLY parent that they have right at that moment. Probably pretty damn scary!
I came home, and rested for the next couple of days. While I was resting, I came upon a blog from a fellow military wife. Military wives and mothers are a breed all their own. We are single parents for all points and purposes. But, most single moms live where they have the support of family and friends. Most military wives are moved around, unwillingly, from place to place...frequently finding that they know nobody when they really need someone the most. Most single moms have to work, which also, in turn, provides time away from their children. Most military wives are SAHM's that are stuck with their children day in and day out, constantly trying to come up with the next best activity to do that will prevent an utter melt-down. To that end, here is the excerpt from Kelly Wright's blog. Pay attention all you military wives out there...and all of you that have friends who are military wives...
Please don’t be fooled and marvel at how well I’m handling the deployment. We might look good on the outside, but there are plenty of trials and tears just inside the door that I don’t want to burden you with.
Please don’t just keep me in your prayers. Take an additional 30 seconds and write me a short note, too.
Please don’t wait for me to ask for help. I won’t. I’m a stubborn Army wife who thinks I can handle everything by myself. Except, I can’t.
Please don’t ask what I need. I’m likely to tell you, “Nothing, we’re fine.”
Please don’t accept that as an answer if you do ask. There are lots of things I need, I’m just too proud to admit it.
Please don’t just sit and wonder what you can do to help. Brainstorm for one minute about what a single mom worried about her husband might need and try any one of those things. Or read on.
Please don’t call between 5 and 8 p.m. unless you’re coming over to help. Trying to feed, bathe and bed the kid(s) is a two- to three- hour process.
Please don’t just wave as I pass your house trying to walk my two dogs and the stroller in the cold wind. Ask if you can walk my dogs for me — or with me — some time.
Please don’t say the time has flown since my husband left. It hasn’t, and the days are actually getting longer now that we’re past the half-way point.
Please don’t grouse to your spouse about my Christmas lights still being up nearly a month after Christmas. Knock on my door and ask if you can take them down and put them away for me.
Please don’t assume I eat three square meals a day. Actually, I don’t eat three square meals a week. Make a double batch next time you’re cooking for your family and drop one by my place. Don’t cook? Bring a bottle of wine.
Please don’t invite me over or out for dinner. You don’t want to deal with my toddler at meal time, I promise. Offer to baby-sit for one hour so I can take an uninterrupted hot shower, get a hair cut or go to the gym.
Please don’t think I don’t want to go out to dinner. It is hard to remember the last time I had a quiet, uninterrupted night out with other adults.
Please don’t forget our birthdays, anniversaries or other special occasions. The one who usually celebrates with us is gone, so many of these days pass like they were any other.
Please don’t feel responsible for helping me with everything. Just do one thing, every once in a while. If you’re really inclined, recruit a friend or family member to do something else.
Please don’t underestimate how helpful you can be. Even a kind word or a hug would be great.
Please don’t be offended if I don’t thank you properly. Anyone who does anything for my family is a hero in my eyes. I feel guilty that I needed the help in the first place. I can’t thank you enough.
And, with that, I will end this mile-long blog post. And, as soon as I get some pictures, I will post up some of my Valentine projects. Thanks to all of you wonderful girls who have left me comments, or taken the time to send me a personal e-mail. It means a lot. And, I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH.